Handbali Magazine Call for Publication
Handbali Magazine invites artists and collectives to submit a documentary project that highlights natural or urban spaces, as well as the interaction between nature and human beings, to make up the sixth publication of this emerging photography magazine.
Five (5) complete projects will be selected for future publication in print and ten (10) finalist projects. A single photograph from each of the finalist projects will be
chosen for publication in print.
Publication of the Award:April 20th 2023
Only one projectper participant or group may be submitted free of charge.
The project must be submitted via email in a single file in PDF format (.pdf) of no more than 15mb, which will be sent to the [email protected] must contain:
– Personal details of the artist or members of the collective…
– Explanatory report, with the concepts that generate the idea, work or project.
– Photographs (10-15) that correspond reliably to the exhibition or project, or at least seventy percent (70%) of the project.
Documentary photography tells interesting stories that require action or resolution. Therefore, the best way to get the attention of your audience is to become a storyteller. You have to learn how to tell your subject’s story objectively. You can add some style, but you should never take away facts or details. Tell the story as it is, using the power of your camera and lens. Be patient: As previously mentioned, documentary photography is very challenging because you have no control over the situation, the scene, or the subject. Therefore, you should not expect to arrive at the scene or location expecting things to unfold right away. You have to be patient and wait for that defining moment, or for the interesting events to happen. Sometimes, you will need to wait for hours or for several days, before you can finally get the shot you want. Variety is the secret: You have to be as creative as you can be in creating your shots. Don’t get stuck with wide-angle shots because they will only give you the general situation. Get out of the box and take close-up shots, and even aerial shots that show various angles of the subject and their story. Focusing closely on your subject will give your images a more personalized feel. Practice: Finally, do not forget to practice. You don’t have to go to the location and shoot your subject when you practice. You can do this anywhere and whenever you want to. Remember, practice makes perfect – especially in field as difficult as documentary photography.