The International Aperture Awards 2010
- Open division
- Amateur division
- People & Portrait (Open division and Amateur division)
- Sport (Open division)
- Landscape (Open division and Amateur division)
- Science & Nature (Open division)
- Commercial (Open division)
- Advertising & Fashion (Open division)
- Abstract/Illustrative (Open division and Amateur division)
- Photojournalism and Wedding (Open division)
- The 2010 Open Awards image of the year will receive a $20,000 usd cash prize
- The winner of of each of the 3 Amateur Categories will get:
Pixel Purity Online Mentoring Package RRP $1,700
Polaroid 300 camera. RRP $150 - Combined prize pool is estaimated to be over $80,000 usd in cash and prizes, other prizes are to be announced.
All images submitted into Sport & Photojournalism categories must be "In the moment" captures. Image compositing will not be allowed.
There is no limit on the amount of images you can enter.
Specifications: RGB, 8-bit, 2362 Pixels (20cm) on the longest side, saved as a jpeg at a setting 10 or higher.
Official website: