Celebrate Daylight! Photography Competition
Take a photograph that conveys the beauty and potential of light in the UK. From a landscape with a cloudy sunrise, or a refection in a buildings window, to the setting sun refected in a water droplet, any subject, anywhere & anything could be suitable.
Your image should excite the viewer and bring home the amazing quality, power and variety of daylight.
- SANYO’s latest High Definition Dual Camcorders,
- a Wattson energy meter,
- tickets to the Eden Project and London Duck Tour,
- and a chance for your picture to be exhibited at The Big Chill Festival this summer!
All submissions must be provided with a caption, which should describe the image and how you think it meets the brief.
Photographs submitted digitally or in print format, can be colour or black & white, and can be taken with a digital or analogue camera.
Digital submissions must be at minimum 3000 pixels along the longest edge, and a maximum of 5MB in size if emailed (larger fles may be submitted on disc). Printed submissions should not be larger than A3 in size.
Please label all submissions with your name, address and contact number. No more than fve entries (photographs) per person are allowed.
Address for submissions:
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Post: WSS/Solarcentury Photo 2009, Solarcentury, 91-94 Lower Marsh, London. SE1 7AB
Official web site: http://wesupportsolar.net/news/we-support-solar-photography-competition/