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NYC4PA Call for Entry: Monochrome

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NYC4PA Call for Entry: Black and WhiteTheme: Monochrome

The first photographs to be part of the world of art were monochrome prints. The images were captured by large format cameras, developed into negatives, and printed in the darkroom.  The world of photography has come a long way since then with color dominating so much of what we shoot these days, and cameras now an integral part of our very portable phones. With so many color images around us there is still something special about a monochrome print, whether it be black and white, sepia or shades of a single color. These are the images around us where all the emotion, texture and beauty are expressed in gradations from light to dark. No matter if your original images was shot with tri-x film, a digital SLR, or your phone, if the end product is a terrific monochrome call, it fits the call.  


  • Grand Prize: One photographer will receive $1,100.
  • First Prize:3 photographers will each receive $400.
  • Second Prize:3 photographers will each receive $325.
  • Third Prize:3 photographers will each receive $250.

Juror:   Nancy Ori

Image requirements: JPG, TIF or PNG format; no greater than 2MB in file size; the longest side MINIMUM of 1,280 pixels

To submit your digital photographs visit https://client.smarterentry.com/nyc4pa There is no limit to the number of images submitted.


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