
“Home” Photo Competition

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"The Shadow Aspect" Photo CompetitionTheme: Home

The notion of home transcends conventional meanings and interpretations. Beyond its physical manifestation as a shelter, home unfolds as a dynamic concept that resonates across the human experience. It embodies not only a tangible space but also a repository of emotions, memories, and a sense of belonging. 

Yet the concept of home is not without its complexities. The exploration of home involves an introspective journey, unraveling layers of meaning and confronting the nuances of attachment and detachment, personal growth, and familial conflict. Transience or instability can evoke feelings of displacement, making it difficult for individuals to perceive the home as a nurturing space.

Praxis Gallery seeks photographic art that explores the idea, space, or memory of home. A broad interpretation of the theme is encouraged. 


  • Thirty images will be selected by the juror for exhibition at Praxis Gallery (Exhibition Dates: Nov 16 – Dec 14, 2024).
  • A Juror’s Choice award, two Honorable Mentions and a Directors Choice award [for the most cohesive and compelling series of images submitted] will be awarded and featured in the exhibition, the printed show catalog and the online show gallery.

Juror: Ross Anderson

Image requirements: JPG format; 72 dpi; 1024 pixels or less on longest side; 4MB or less in file size.  Selected photographers will receive instructions on uploading hi-res files to our online submission site.

Online submission of digital photographs via the website.


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