
Photo of the Year Award 2023

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Photo of the Year Award 2023


  • First Prize -AU$2,000
  • AU$750 Cash in each category


  1. Emotive Portraiture
  2. Classic Landscapes
  3. Exotic Travel
  4. Revealing Nature

Announcement of winners is on 15 Nov 2023

Image requirements: sRGB colour space, 8-bit; 2300 pixels on the longest side; JPEG at a setting of 8 (80%) or higher; Winning Entrants must also be able to provide a high resolution digital file suitable for offset printing if required.


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With focus-stacking, you can fix everything in place throughout multiple exposures. Using a solid tripod and shooting with a cable release will ensure the camera doesn’t move. For the best results, every setting on the camera should also be exactly the same: white balance (fixable in post when shooting RAW), shutter speed, ISO, and aperture. The one difference is the focus distance. Start by adjusting focus to the closest object in the scene and wait for the wind to die down (if applicable). Hit the cable release and adjust to focus a little further into the scene. Repeat this process until you’ve reached infinity focus distance. You will need more exposures at shorter distance intervals when you use a larger aperture, like f/5.6.