
Monochrome Online Art Contest

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Monochrome Online Art ContestEntries must include the black and white or shades of gray as the primary focus, but also the range of a single color such as sepia, green, blue, red, yellow.

All wining artists (Merit Award & Honorable Mention) will receive a digital award certificate.

You may submit 2 images per entry fee. Online submission of digital images via the website.

Image requirements: up to 2.0 MB in file sze; JPG format

Judging criteria:

– originality and quality of art

– demonstration of artistic ability

– interpretation of the theme

– creativity

– overall design

– usage of medium


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Silhouettes are probably one of the best things you can shoot in monochrome photography because you think about film noir and the sense of mystery. One of the easiest ways to get good silhouettes is to look for a strong light source to place your subject against, and to underexpose your subject and expose for the background. Another tip to make better black and white photos is to use the photo to isolate your subject. One way to do this is to have an underexposed or dark background. The subject in the photograph becomes well-lit whereas the background becomes pitch black. This is a great way to create a dramatic photo that draws your eye right to the subject.