
“Landscapes” Art Competition

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"Trees & Fields" Art CompetitionThe gallery invites all artists and photographers from around the world to submit ther best best representational and non-representational art related to the Landscapes theme. The Landscapes theme is considered to be any art with interpretation of natural elements such as mountains, hills, valleys, deserts, forests, farmland, trees, rivers, lakes, polar regions, rainforests, islands and tropical landscapes.

All winning artists will receive a digital award certificate, First, second and third place will be largely displayed with an article  about the artist and  their work. Winning artwork (first place) will be on the poster of the show. Depending on the number and quality of all submissions received, Special Merit awards and Honorable Recognition awards may also be presented.

2 images may be submitted per entry fee. There is no limit to the number of entries per artist

Image requirements: up to 1.5 MB in file size; JPG format

Online submission of digital photographs via the website.

Judging criteria: creativity, interpretation of the theme, originality and quality of art, overall design, demonstration of artistic ability, and usage of medium.


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The piece of equipment which should be considered essential for landscape photography is a tripod. Ideally, this should be a solid tripod and not a $20 from the electronic shop. Since landscape photographers often work in harsh conditions or find themselves in weird positions, you want to invest in quality right away. Take this from someone who didn’t invest in quality right away and within months had spent the same amount of money on cheap tripods that he would have spent on something of better quality. A tripod is essential because you will often be working with shutter speeds that are too long to do hand held (at least if you want to get a sharp image).