Portfolio Photo Competition
The purpose of the More Art Please Portfolio contest is to identify trends in contemporary photography and highlight artists whose work deserves greater recognition. A photography portfolio can focus on a single subject. It can be a collection of photographs taken with a certain type of camera, an idea and its evolution, the representation of a concept, of one person or a group of people, only black & white or sepia photos, a special event, etc. The three winning portfolios will be exhibited between 20.05-15.06 2021 in an art gallery, will be published in More Art Please Magazine and on Portfolio contest page The authors will be nominated as gallery ARTIST.
Image requirements: Max File Size 2 MB. Longest dimension should not exceed 1200 pixels, with a minimum size of 200 pixels. No Watermarks. Saved as JPEG or JPG, resolution of 72 dpi.
Please submit 6 photos to enter in this contest. Online submission of digital images via the website.
Judging criteria: creativity, composition, technical ability, originality, interpretation of the theme.