
FotoNostrum Magazine Portfolio Contest

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FotoNostrum Magazine Portfolio ContestAt least 12 photographers will be selected to be published in 8 to 12 pages portfolios. Three of them will be in different covers of the magazine.

Announcement of results: 30 days after the final deadline

Each Portfolio consists of 12 to 25 images. It can be a retrospective, a coherent body of work or project, or images that represent you as an artist or documentalist or photojournalist. The images applied for the cover selection have to be vertical and with a strong visual appeal

Image requirements: 72 dpi; JPG (sRGB or AdobeRGB); Size should be exactly a vertical image of 1900 pixels x 2600 pixels. In case the original is larger you should crop it to the indicated size. Quality: High (Photoshop 8); No watermark

Online submission of digital images via the website.


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