“European Treasures of Nature” Photo Competition
You are invited to set off hunting for photos and to capture magic moments and stunning experiences in nature. Subjects should be drawn from nature in Europe.
- 1st Prize: 1,500 EUR
- 2nd Prize: 1,000 EUR
- 3rd Prize: 750 EUR
- 4th Prize: 500 EUR
- 5th Prize: 250 EUR
Winners will be announced as of mid August 2021
The Jury:
Peter Laufmann, Editor, „natur“
Kerstin Sauer, Art Director, EuroNatur Service GmbH
Gabriel Schwaderer, Managing Director, EuroNatur foundation
Christiane Stewen, Public Relation, GELSENWASSER AG
Darja Wintersig, Eventphotograph, photo shop Lichtblick
Maximum of five pictures per entrant/photographer. Digitally manipulated pictures, pictures of pets or farm animals, pictures of cultivated varieties of wild plants and pictures that were not taken in Europe will not be accepted.
Image requirements: 1st file: “preview”: jpeg of 1200 pixel on the long side. 2nd file: “high-resolution files”: full-size jpeg of the highest quality (e.g. saved in Adobe Photoshop at quality level 12).