
2020 Burtynsky Grant

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2020 Burtynsky GrantAward:

  • $5,000 annual grant to support a Canadian artist in the creation of a photobook.

This grant is intended for photo-based artists who are in the advanced stages of developing a cohesive, rigorous body of work presented in book form. The jury is looking for submissions from those that have created a book dummy and who have had little to no prior opportunity to self-publish or work with a publisher.

Online submission of digital images by email.


  1. Minimum ten (10) spreads of your book dummy that best communicate your project and vision for publication
  2. Project statement about your photobook and how you would use the grant funding (ie. rough budget details)
  3. Expressions of interest from publishers, and/or other publishing grants, if available
  4. CV and/or artist statement


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