- Prints of the exhibit and setting up
- Opportunity to organize promotional and advocacy activities during the Festival (in accordance with the Festival on the format and structure of such activities)
- The selected organization/organizations can get international exposure through the Festival communication channels
- Publication of the selected works on the italian magazine Il Fotografo
Festival of Ethical Photography NGO Contest
Every year the Festival of Ethical Photography opens a “Call for Entry” dedicated to NGOs, humanitarian organisations and voluntary associations, with the goal to select photographic works to be exhibited in a themed area called ”NGOs Area”.
September 1st, 2020: Official announcement of the winner/s
More than one submission is permitted. All the files of a project must be sent in a unique compressed archive in .zip, .rar or .7z format with a maximum size of 25MB.
Image requirements: JPG format. No more than 1,280 pixels and 72dpi with a compression degree of 10/12 or 90/100. The recommended dimension is max 500 kb per picture.
Reportages must consist of 20 images minimum and 30 images maximum
The reportage has to represent the subjects with dignity and with respect of fundamental human rights in the context in which they live. The purpose of the photographic reportage is to spread knowledge on the themes of international cooperation, sustainability and global development in the civil society.