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VOHH FOTO FEST 2020Awards:

  • Top 10 Long Term Projects, winners of the entries will be chosen by judge panel and titled “VOHH Documentary Photographers of the Year” and opportunity to participate in the Exhibitions.
  • VOHH will cover the full cost of the traveling exhibition and opening receptions. International Press Exposure as well and winners work will be shown and Highlight at VOHH website.

Theme: VOHH – Voice of Humanity and Hope
We are looking for long-term documentary projects, which can play significant role for Humanity and our Planet. Send us your Long Term Projects, story of Humanity. It can be War, Conflicts, Migrations, Environmental Issues, Hidden World, Photo Journalism, Daily Coverage, Aftermath, Social Issue, Social Documentary, Portraits, Contemporary Issues, human condition, social change, humanitarian concern, interpersonal, psychological, cultural, Scientific, Political Significance, Violation of Human Rights and dignity. Even: Nature, Fine Arts, Daily life, Festival, Wild life, Still life, Streets, Land Scape, Sports,Architecture, Story of a community as a positive or Negative sense, as a joyful or sorrow but should be truth and should be a link with HUMANITY.

Digital manufactured photo illustrations, double exposures, in-camera multiple exposures, added masks, borders, backgrounds, text, handwritten notes, or other artistic effects are all prohibited. Diptychs, triptychs are not eligible.

Send in a PDF file with Project Title and Project Description and 30 to 50 photographs. PDF file size must not exceed 5mb.

Submit a project, minimum 30 photographs and maximum 50 photographs. Only one project per entrant, team entries aren’t allowed


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