Pannonia Reflections Competition 2016
- A) Free/Open color (digital) PSA PID Color
- B) Free/Open monochrome (digital) PSA PID Monochrome
- C) Portrait (color or monochrome digital) PSA PID Color
- D) Water (color or monochrome digital) PSA PID Color
- Eifert Janos, EFIAP – Hungary
- Štefi Praprotnik Borko, EFIAP/p – Slovenia
- Haitham Al Farsi, AFIAP- Oman
- FIAP and PSA medals in each section
- Exhibition: February 05- March 15, 2017 – Gallery Muzeum Lendava, Bannfyev trg 1, 9220 Lendava, Slovenia – EU
Each participant may send maximum of four photographs to each section. Online submission of digital photographs via the website.
Image requirements: JPG file format. The digital image must be a maximum of 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels high. File size of individual image should not exceed 3 MB.