In-Water Photographer of the Year
- Camera Type
- Mobile Phone
- Action Camera
- Tough Camera (Doesn’t need a housing)
- Compact Camera
- Four Third & Mirrorless
- Digital Cinema
- Photography Types – You can enter these categories with whichever camera you have or would like to use.
- Wide angle
- Macro
- Natural light
- Strobe
- In-Water Photography
- Marine life
- Wreck
- Model in Pool or Open Water (Human form)
- Conservation
- Sport
- Cliff Diving
- Freediving
- Swim surface
- Adventure
- The overall winner will receive a cash prize of at least £250, online certification page, a place in the overall winner gallery on the website and future prize arrangements from sponsors and partners.
Photos must be taken with the minimal amount of gear, no SCUBA is allowed or any other equipment is allowed which prolongs your stay underwater. A maximum total of 20 images per entrant may be submitted across the categories. Online submission of digital photographs via the website.
Image requirements: jpegs format; (72ppi) with 1280 pixels along the longest length. No watermarks, borders or signatures