Art Exhibition “BLUE”
Theme “BLUE” The art created of any subject that is enhanced by the use of the color blue, whether it is a single dot of blue or a completely blue image. The color blue should enhance the narrative of the works subject as Blue can imply many emotions, symbolisms or feelings, from the blue marble we call earth to our emotions expressed in Blues music. Blue can express the future, good feelings, happiness, prosperity, ocean or sky, and we can feel blue, etc. It can be used to enhance, emphasize or be a focal point in the art. The artwork can be expressed from representational, expressionistic, surrealistic and or abstraction.
Up to Fifteen artists will be selected for a group exhibit, “BLUE” at G25N’s online gallery opening on January 22, 2016.
No limit on the number of additional entries submitted. Online submission of digital photographs via the website.
Image requirements: 1000px on the longest side and a resolution of 72dpi; jpg, gif, and png format.