The Annual Instagram Photo Awards Contest
Categories: #friends, #food, #gadgets, #captioned, #pets, #activities, #selfie and #fashion.
- Top Prizes :: All entries compete for the InstaPhotoAwards Photographer of the Year title and an iPhone 6 Plus 128GB (GSM) T-Mobile (Unlocked, Contract Free).
- The 2nd place winner will be awarded an iPad mini with Retina display Wi-Fi 16GB (+ FREE engraving with the text of your choice)
- The 3rd place winner will either receive an Apple Watch (subject to availability from Apple) or a Moto360 smart-watch (subject to availability from Motorola), as per their choice.
- eight category winners, each of whom will receive a $100 Amazon gift card.
Winners will be announced on April 5th 2015.
All images must be posted to a valid Instagram account, as public content.
No Photoshop editing, only mobile apps. Online submission of digital photographs via the website.