
BBSRC Science Photo Competition

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Your image should convey the impact of bioscience and biological research. We want to see unique and surprising perspectives exploring the impact of bioscience and biology on society and the importance of bioscience in everyday life. With this competition we want you to capture the exciting developments happening in bioscience today with images from the Great British public, its students and its researchers.


  • Overall winner: £600 vouchers (in addition to category prize)
  • Category winners: £400 vouchers
  • Runners up: £200 vouchers
  • All of the prize winning images, along with any highly commended images, will be exhibited at the Great British Bioscience Festival in London this November.

Entries will be judged on aesthetic merit and the ability to convey, with creative flair, complex scientific subjects in research, issues in science and society, life in research, as well as contemporary topics in bioscience.

Image requirements: minimum of 2MB and maximum of 20MB and at a minimum resolution of 300dpi as a jpg file

Online submission of digital photographs via the website. Entrants may submit up to three images their category.


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