
Black Box Gallery Photo Exhibition: Snapshot Aesthetic

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Theme: Snapshot, Domestic and Everyday

Black Box Gallery will host a juried group photo show on snapshot, domestic and everyday photography. Kodak introduced the idea “celebrate the moments of your life” and forever changed the visual world. Family photos, sunsets, pets, tourism, parties, friends and home all have become part of our documentation and visual communication. Phone cameras and photo sharing such as Facebook, Instagram and Flicker have made the medium of photography an exploding phenomena of digital imagery. More traditional fine artists such as William Eggleston, Gary Winogrand and Nan Golden have long argued for the casual everyday subject matter as strikingly ordinary and artistically valid.

Juror: Stacey McCarroll Cutshaw


  • Exhibition in Black Box Gallery, Portland Oregon  (October 1-20, 2014)
  • Black Box will provide all framing, matting and printing for our exhibitions.

Submission of digital images by email: [email protected]

Image requirements: Jpeg format; 1024 pixels on the longest side at 72 DPI, 2MB or less each (saved). The photographers who are selected into the exhibition will provide a high resolution Tiff file for our gallery to print for the exhibition.


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