
“Strong & Powerful” Photo Competition

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Theme: "Strong & Powerful"

STRONG & POWERFUL can be interpreted in many ways such as an expression, architecture, bold colors, landscape scenes or some type of digital work that has a strong impact on us.  This online-juried competition is about your interpretation of this theme, STRONG & POWERFUL, using any style of photography or digital art.


  • BEST IN COMPETITION cash award of $300 US
  • 2ND PLACE cash award of $175 US
  • RD PLACE cash award of $125 US
  • AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE – Seven Awards Of Excellence will be awarded

You can submit up to 10 images. Submission of digital photographs by email.

Image requirements: 72 dpi; jpg format; No more than 1000 pixels in either height or width

Judging Criteria: Creativity, Impact, Composition and Consistency with the theme.


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