The SEARCA Photo Contest 2013
Theme: “Southeast Asia in the Quest for Food Security”
The contest will award entries that best capture the efforts that Southeast Asians do to ensure that there is affordable, nutritious, and safe food on our tables. We are looking for photographs that emphasize all the livelihood activities along the food supply chain—from scientists who develop agricultural technologies to input dealers (banks, seed dealers, pesticide and fertilizer dealers); to farmers and fishers; to transporters of harvests to markets; to food processors; to food sellers and distributors; and finally to consumers—that contribute to a food-secure Southeast Asia. Photos of farmers and fishers, of people carrying their harvest or animals and vehicles transporting crops to markets, of people processing food for personal consumption or for selling, and of people buying food and eating them, are encouraged. Images that highlight new agricultural technologies that are being applied to ensure that food is nutritious and safe are also welcome. We also encourage photographs that show food insecurity or malnutrition. These are images that will bring home the message that there is an urgent need for a more united and concerted effort to address food security in the region.
- First Place USD 500
- Second Place USD 300
- Third Place USD 200
- People’s Choice USD 100
Judging criteria:
- Relevance to the theme 40%
- Technical quality (clarity, use of tones and color, photographic composition) 30%
- Impact (regional flavor) 30%
Only colored photos will be considered. Online submission of digital photographs only via the website.
Image requirements: JPEG or TIFF format and at least 3,000 pixels wide for a horizontal image or 3,000 pixels tall for a vertical image at 300 dpi. There is no maximum file size or resolution as long as it can be uploaded via the online submission portal. Photos must not be digitally altered and/or enhanced in any way other than simple cropping.