
Faces of Brewing Photo Competition

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This year’s competition “Faces of Brewing 2013: Out for a beer” aims to bring attention to the role that brewing, beer and your local pub or bar play in the local community.

Photos could feature the people who bring pubs, bars, cafés, beer halls, beer gardens or festivals alive, whether serving the beer or enjoying it, whether in your local community or where you end up in your travels. You have until 30 September at midnight to send us your best images. Faces of Brewing wants to highlight the contribution of brewing and beer, which is a local product, to local communities and provide talented photographers with the opportunity to tell their stories.


  • The First Prize: €1000 in camera equipment
  • The Second Prize: €500 in camera equipment
  • The Third Prize: €250 in camera equipment
  • Images will be published and used across Europe, giving winning photographers great visibility and providing a fantastic way to enhance their portfolios. The winner of the first prize will be invited to a prestigious gala dinner in Brussels in December 2013 to receive the award.

The winner will be notified at the latest by email by end November 2013

The winning entry will be the most visually appealing, original and self-explanatory photo capturing the themes of this year’s Faces of Brewing competition and shall be selected by the jury.

Image files must be 1MB and 3MB. The winning entry will be the most visually appealing, original and self-explanatory and shall be selected by the jury. You can submit more than one image.


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