Best Shots Photographic Competition
- Landscape
- Portraiture
- Still Life
- Food & Drink
- Sport
- Photo Art
- Travel
- Animal Life
- Phone Photos
- Young Snappers – A free-to-enter category for anyone aged 12 or under who enjoys taking photographs. This is a completely open entry category. The ten winning photographers that the judges select from this section will each win a GE X550 bridge camera
- In each category:
- 1st Place – £500
- 2nd Place – £300
- 3rd Place – £300
- The most popular photograph and photographer as determined by public voting will win a further £1000 prize. Best shots is to run an online voting system starting on 14th July 2013 and ending on 15th December 2013, allowing the public to nominate their favourite images
You can enter up to five photographs. Submission of digital photos online via the web site or on a CD by post.
Image requirements: no more than 1800 pixels on the longest side
Judging criteria:
- Originality
- Atmosphere
- Colour / Tonal Quality
- Camera Technique
- Post-Production Technique
- Narrative Content (Visual or Literal)
- Conceptual or Symbolic Content
- Compositional Effectiveness
- Clarification / Resolution
- Personal Evaluation
Photographers will be informed via email (or phone) by June 3rd 2013 and will have until June 14th 2013 to send their photographs as high resolution images to be printed and framed.