PHOTOcentric Juried Photography Exhibition
- People
- Nature
- Architecture
- Open
- Best in Show
- $1,200
- Image on cover of exhibition book
- Copy of book
- Image, bio & website or email in book
- Link on Garrison Art Center website
- 1st Place in each category
- $400
- Image, bio & website or email in book
- Copy of book
- Link on Garrison Art Center website
- 2nd Place in each category
- $200
- Image & website or email in book
- Copy of book
- Link on Garrison Art Center website
- 3rd Place in each category
- $100
- Image & website or email in book
- Copy of book
- Link on Garrison Art Center website
All accepted work will be included in exhibition book PHOTOcentric 2012. Juros: Robert Mann and Elizabeth Opalenik
Image requirements: 72 ppi resolution;1,280 pixels on the longest side; sRGb or RGb color space; 8 bit mode; JPG format; compression at level 7.
Online submission of digital images via the website. Hi-res photos will need to be provided by the selected artists.