
Auxiliary Magazine 2012 Calendar

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The Auxiliary Magazine 2012 Calendar will be compiled of 12 photographs chosen from submissions.

Enter photographs that feature one of the following:

  • an alternative model,
  • an alternative celebrity,
  • a band/musician,
  • an artist/creative,
  • a fashion designer.


  • Each selected submission will receive a low res tear sheet of the month/page they are featured on and 2 copies of the Auxiliary Magazine 2012 Calendar.

Each person can submit up to 3 entries. Each entry can contain no more than 3 photographs.  All the photographs in a single entry must feature the same person or group and be taken by the same photographer.

Send by email your photo(s) and other required documents.

Image requirements: JPG format; no larger than 1000px x 1000px at 72 res

If your photograph is selected you must be able to provide a high res image that is at least 8in x 12in at 300 res.


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