
“Boncafe’s Expresso Yourself” Photo Contest

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Do you love coffee? Is photography one of your life’s passions? If these qualifications fit you, now is the time to combine these frequently enjoyed activities and really make them fun! The goal is to create a unique and diverse coffee photo book that exhibits a variety of photos of coffee and coffee related themes, that are inspired by creative and exceptional ideas and able to capture the vibrant culture of coffee through a camera’s lens.

Every photo must have at least one coffee ICON visible – mug, machine, spoon, etc…


  • All selected photos will be published in Boncafe upcoming coffee photo book.
  • First Prize includes:
    • 100,000 Baht cash

    • Cremesso capsule coffee machine

    • Coffee Capsules (2 boxes)

  • Second Prize includes:
    • 50,000 Baht cash

    • Petra Top model soft pod coffee machine

    • Coffee Soft Pods (2 boxes)

  • Third Prize includes:
    • 25,000 Baht cash

    • A complete TSK filter coffee machine set

Each entrant is allowed to submit a maximum of 5 photos

  1. The smallest side of the printed photo must not be less than 12 inches (e.g. 12*16, 12*18, 13*20, 15*20). Each photo should be glued onto 16×22 inch black cardboard with the following details in English or Thai attached to the back of the cardboard: Name, address, contact number, e-mail address, photo title and a brief description of the photo (no less than 2 lines).

  2. Entries can be taken by a digital camera or film (size 135 or 120). The file should then be written onto a CD and submitted as color or black/white photographs in JPG format with the image resolution of no less than 6 million pixels and no less than 300 dpi.

  3. Adjusting colors, contrast, white balance, sharpness, removing elements or visible flaws on skin or materials that will improve the quality of the image is acceptable. Extreme retouching that distorts the original picture is not allowed. If adjustments are made, each entrant has to submit both original file and modified picture onto the CD listed above (i.e. pic01_original and pic01_contest) Any images with severe manipulation will be disqualified. For more information, please visit our Facebook page.

  4. Entries must not contain signatures, brand names or trademarks; either Boncafe or none.

  5. Please submit your best shots via post to:

Boncafe (Thailand) Ltd.

21st Floor, Muang Thai-phatra Tower 2,

252/110, Rachadaphisek Road,

Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310, Thailand

with the subject “Boncafe’s Expresso Yourself Photo Contest ” or submit it in person to the address above starting from today until June 30, 2011.

Judging Criteria

  1. Concept & Content 30 points

  2. Artistic 25 points

  3. Creative idea 25 points

  4. Photography technique 20 points


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