
iExplore Photo Safari Contest

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Enter the travel photo(s) that you are most proud of. Be creative, share your unique perspective of the world. We hope your photo will tell us a story about the places or people you have experienced through travel.


  • Grand Prize (ARV $9,000 USD):
    • Two places for the winner and a guest on a 7 day trip ‘Classic Kenya Safari’ small group tour in Africa
  • Second Place Prize:
    • His and Her ExOfficio® Storm Logic™ Jackets with an ARV of $150 USD each.
    • $500 Off Travel Voucher for any ‘iExplore Exclusive’ branded tour.
  • Prizes for All Other Finalists:
    • 250–Off Travel Voucher for any ‘iExplore Exclusive’ branded tour.
    • A choice either 1 ExOfficio® Men’s Give–n–Go&trad; Boxer Brief (ERV $25 USD) or 1 Women’s Give–N–Go&trad; Lacy Low Rise Bikini Briefs (ERV$18 USD)
  • Prizes for Judges’ Favorites:
    • a $100 USD Travel Voucher for a Small Group Tour from Adventure Center.

There is no limit on the number of entries per person but only one photo may advance to the finals. You can vote once every day.

Judging Criteria:

  • Creativity 33?%
  • Photographic Quality 33?%
  • Composition 33?%.

Only online entries will be eligible. No print or film submissions will be accepted for entry into this Contest. The photograph need not be taken with a digital camera; scans of negatives, transparencies, or photographic prints are acceptable. All digital files must be 5 megabytes or smaller, must be in JPEG or JPG format, and must be at least 375 pixels wide (if a horizontal image) or 375 pixels tall (if a vertical image). Photographs must not have previously won an award in any photo contest in the last three years. Minor burning, dodging and/or color correction is acceptable. Hand tinting is acceptable, as is cropping. Fish–eye lenses are acceptable. High dynamic range images (HDR) and stitched panoramas are acceptable only if the combined parts are all made around the same time.

Official website:

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