
The Benjamin Kanarek Blog-West East Magazine Fashion & Beauty Photography Contest

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Theme: “Harmony”


  • The Fashion story
    at least 6-8 images in either the vertical or horizontal format. One clothing change per image (whether vertical or horizontal format).
  • The Beauty story
    at least 4-6 images in the vertical or horizontal format.

For Fashion submissions, the clothing used should be from the most recent collections to illustrate your story for the Summer 2011 Issue of West East Magazine. The same applies to the Beauty story which may include jewelry, watches and accessories. 


  • Photography related product prizes for winners of both categories, to be announced.
  • The Winners will be published in the Summer Issue of West East Magazine that comes out in June of 2011

Each Image should be a maximum of: 1200 Pixels high for Vertical Format or 1200 Pixels Wide for Horizontal Format and less than 1 (One) Mega. Final Winners chosen must provide High Definition Images for the Magazine at 300 dpi.

Include credits for: Model, Hair, Make-Up, Stylist, Brands featured etc… If Applicable and be sure to include your contact info. NO Glamour shots, family photos, self portraits, dogs, cats or flower photos, etc…

Submit your images to: [email protected] 

Official website:

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