Papworth Trust Photography Competition
Theme: Independence
- 16 years and under
- Over 16 years
- Professional photographers and previous photography competition winners
- Sony Handycam DCR-DVD 115E camera worth over £330
- The photograph which wins the special award will be used on the cover of Papworth Trust’s 2011 Annual Review
- A voucher for a sitting from Aloha photography
- A bundle of the borders and frames from Aloha photography
- A silk bow tie, handmade in Cambridge
Judging criteria: composition, originality, and interpretation of the theme.
Digital photos can be in colour or black and white. Images must be jpegs, ideally a minimum of 300 dpi. Maximum file size is 3MB. Winning entries will be invited to submit original higher resolution files for printing purposes if available. Digital photos can be submitted by email, with a completed entry form attached to each entry email, to [email protected] There is also an option to mail your prints.
Entrants can enhance the picture to make it brighter, clearer etc, but not manipulate the content. Images that appear to have been excessively manipulated will be disqualified. The judges may ask to see the original unadjusted camera file.
Official website: