
“Human Artifact” Photo Exhibition

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Have you captured images that show the spaces and things that outfit our personal or private lives? Vermont Photo Space Gallery wants to see these images for an upcoming exhibition titled "Human Artifact". From backyard junkyards to attic hideouts and basement retreats, we mark our territories with the stuff, the evidence, of our lives. The subject matter is a collision of cultural anthropology, pop culture, domesticity, documentary, realism and sentimentality.


  • Human Artifact
  • Documentary


  • Juror’s Choice Receives a 20×35" vinyl banner, featuring their image on banner and catalog cover.
  • All selected images are displayed in our Vermont gallery with very little expense or hassle. We offer free matting and framing of accepted entries for the duration of each of our exhibitions, subject to standard sizes.

Email entries are allowed but there is an additional $5 fee for email entries. You can submit jpg files, no larger than 1280 pixels on the longest side, set to the highest quality, and file size no greater than 2 megabytes.

Official website:

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