
ICVolunteers Call for Creative Photography

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In order to increases awareness among young people on environmental issues we provide a unique opportunity for volunteer photographers to promote and enhance your work through participation in an International Photo Exhibition. Through your work you can help us emphasize how much civil society can contribute to good citizenship through volunteer activities and keen knowledge of environmental issues.

Theme: Diverse Perspectives on the Environment, Citizenship and Volunteering


  • First prize will be a Nikon digital camera.
  • Selected photographs will be exhibited in sites to be determined in Geneva and around Switzerland.


Your photographs will be evaluated based on:

  • relevance of the photographs in relation to the proposed theme
  • the artistic quality of your work from the perspective of originality, composition, treatment of light, and aesthetics.

Technical details:

  • Format: jpg or tif
  • Quality: 300 px / inch
  • Minimal size: width or height 2000 px
  • Support: digital
  • Max. number of photos submitted: 5
  • Texts: a brief bio about yourself

Address for submissions: [email protected]

Official web site:

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