The EPSON International Pano Awards
The EPSON International Pano Awards aims to showcase the work of panoramic photographers worldwide and be the largest and most important competition for panoramic photography.
- Nature (including landscapes)
- The Built Environment (including architecture)
Total value over US$13,000!
The 2010 International Pano Awards Photographer of the Year (judged from the two Open Award category winners);
Open First Prize:
- US $2000 cash!
- Epson Stylus Pro 4880 printer worth approx US$2800
- 360Precision Adjuste Giga panoramic head (upgraded from Atome category prize) worth approx US $1150
Amateur First Prize:
- 7 day hire of an Apollo Euro Tourer campervan in Australia, New Zealand or the USA!
- 2 Berth S/T
- Tamrac Cyberpro Express rolling photo/computer bag worth approx US$300
Category Prizes
Category winners x 4 (Amateur and Open, Nature and Built Environment);
- US $1000 cash each!
- PTGui Pro personal licences worth approx US $215 each
- 360Precision Atome panoramic heads worth approx US $320 each
Entrants must comply with the following specifications:
- RGB colour space, 8-bit;
- Measure 2300 pixels on the longest side
- Be saved as a JPEG at a setting of 10 or higher
- Winning Entrants must also be able to provide a high resolution digital file suitable for offset printing if required
Other rules and requrements:
Official web site: