Lets Face It 6 competition – The Portraiture Award
Photographers are encourageed to interpret the brief in the widest sense, portraying the subjects with emphasis on their identity as individuals.
- Single entry
- Series of up to 6 Images. A series must have narrative / theme.
You may supply a caption of up to 100 words to support your entry.
Book and Exhibition – An 80 page book showcasing the top sixteen winning photographers work will be designed by the LPA and printed by Blurb . Blurb have kindly donated 20 books which will be given to the winning photographers, additional copies will be available from the Blurb book shop catalogue.
Gold, Silver and Bronze winners receive a years free membership to the LPA.
Entries can be either black and white or colour. The origination can be produced using digital or analogue systems. Retouching /manipulation of images is accepted provided that all works are original works and not copies of other people’s works.
Official web site:http://www.london-photographic-association.com/site/comp.php?coid=72&fid=0,10,14,607