The FotoWeek DC Awards
FotoWeek DC is pleased to announce that its second annual FotoWeek DC Awards has expanded to an international call for entries of remarkable
imagery, both in single and series form, as well as multimedia pieces that combine the strength of still images with video, sound and graphics.
Entries will be judged in 12 separate categories. Images created via any form of photography will be accepted for consideration (film, digital, cell phone, and alternatives processes), but must be submitted electronically.
- Podesta Prize Spirit of Washington
- General and Student Entries
- News/Feature Reporting (Single Image)
- Advertising (Single Image)
- Fine Art (Single Image)
- Contemporary Life (Single Image)
- Travel (Single Image)
- Sports (Single Image)
- Photojournalism/Social Documentary (Series)
- Advertising (Series)
- Fine Art (Series)
- Cash Totaling $21,500
- $1,500 Award of Excellence to Winners in 11 Categories
- $5,000 Podesta Prize "Spirit of Washington" Winner
- Distinction, Merit and Student Award of Excellence
- National Geographic Society Awards Ceremony Nov 5, 2009
- Work displayed at FotoWeek DC Festival Nov 7-14, 2009
- Published in Limited Edition 2010 FotoWeek DC Book
- Media & Online exposure at
TO ENTER: All entries must be submitted electronically, at the official website: There is no mail-in method of entry. Once the registration process has been completed, you will receive an e-mail confirmation. Simply log onto the website and follow the online instructions to upload images from your computer or type in a URL for multimedia entries. Images formatted in JPEG or TIFF measuring at least 1,000 pixels on their long dimension are preferred. Images may be color profiled in sRGB, Adobe-1998, or not color-managed.