- Copyright: Their photographs may be reproduced for the purpose of marketing and promoting WPGA contests, in catalogs, posters, postcards, publications, and on the Internet. Such use is granted for period of at most two years after the announcement of the awards, and without any payment to the photographer or featured models. Photographers will receive photo credits with each use, and will allow WPGA to sub-license their photographs to the press for reproduction in connection with the contest and WPGA exhibitions.
- Entry fee: US$35 for a set of 3 images and US$10 for each additional image
- Entry deadline: 27th September 2009
- Who can enter: Open to all photographers promoting equal participation by professionals, amateurs and students from all countries
Worldwide Photography Gala Award’s mission is to recognize exception photographers through exhibitions, publications and by extensively promoting their work.
- Portrait: People and Figure
- Fine Art
- Landscape and Cityscape
- Abstract
- Digital Enhanced
- Documentary, including Reportage & Photojournalism
$ 5,000 cash prize fo the WPGA 2009 Photographer of the Year
$ 3,000 cash grant for the recipient of the Humanitarian Documentary Award
+ Paid travel from the country of origin and 3 days lodging in Madrid to attend the WPGA 2009 Exhibition, for both the Photographer of the Year and the recipient of the Humanitarian Documentary Grant
$ 400 cash prize for each Best in Category award
All awardees will be invited to exhibit their art in the exhibition in Madrid. All awardees will receive WPGA certificates, and their selected works will be published in the book WPGA 2009.
Only online submissions are accepted.
As a participant in the WPGA contests you are free to use you own interpretation of the meaning of fine art and the meaning of each category. In this sense, WPGA supports your aesthetic perception of a nude, a flower, a building, a landscape, a portrait or a bridge or even an advertising or fashion shot. (For many, most of Richard Avedon’s fashion images are commercial and fine art at the same time; so are digital manipulated Gursky’s images). Often a landscape or cityscape, or an abstraction, or a digital manipulated image, will fit in fine art and in several other categories.
We encourage all participants to submit their best images, and to make their own interpretation of each category. As said, an image that fits in one category often fits in another. The more images submitted, even the same image in several categories, the more chances participants will have to win an award.
Have prepared your images as required before beginning the submission process. Submissions are only accepted via the online process. Submissions as email attachments, on CD, or prints are not allowed in this competition and will not be returned. Digital image files must meet the following specifications: 8 bit JPEG files (CMYK and 16 bits files will not be uploaded), the largest dimension should be 1280 pixels (width or height), resolution of 72 ppi, JPG compression quality of 7. Layers must be flattened. Images will be viewed by the jurors as RGB images; therefore Adobe RGB 98 or SRGB profiles should be used. Image title cannot exceed 40 characters. Please note that image title is the name of the artwork, not the file name. Files can contain a maximum of 25 characters, not counting .jpg. The file name may not include characters such as #, $, &, periods or other similar characters as part of the file. There will be in the file name only one period, just prior to the file extension (i.e. filename.jpg).
Official web site: http://www.thegalaawards.com/home.html
Submit here: http://www.thegalaawards.com/submit.html
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