Vacation Photo Contest
Submit your best digital vacation photos! You may submit up to three (3) photos and they should fall into one of the three following categories:
- People enjoying their vacation
- WIMCO destinations (beaches, landscape, ocean views, dining out, window shopping, etc.)
- Vacationing in a private villa (people relaxing in and enjoying villas)
- GRAND PRIZE – A week for 2 in St Barts at Villa SIB VEL – rental car from Welcome Car Rental included!
- Second Place: Three (3) Night Package at the Hotel Carl Gustaf in St Barts, rental car and other fabulous extras.
- Third Place: Complimentary first night provisioning the next time you travel with Wimco.
Photos will be judged based on the overall visual appeal and how well they capture the feeling of a particular destination and/or vacation.
All entries must be submitted on the Vacation Photo website page at
Official web site: