
EBT 2008 – 4RD European Photo Contest

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E.B.T. (Ente Bilaterale Turismo, public Tourism Board) for Venice area has organised a photo contest for residents of the European Union.

The theme is: “Diary of images, coming upon magic moments”.

The prize-giving and the screening of photographs chosen by the panel of judges will take place on Tuesday 16th December 2008 at the Hotel Monaco & Grand Canal, Venice.

  • 1st prize: three nights for two people at the Hotel Monaco & Grand Canal, Venice.
  • 2nd prize: two nights for two people ate the Hotel Monaco & Grand Canal, Venice.
  • 3rd prize: 400 Euro
  • Guests’ Choice prize: 400 Euro

Contestants may submit a maximum of three pictures.

Photographs can be sent via internet in digital format using the provided entry form, or by mail with colour prints.
Should photographic prints be sent by mail, a copy of payment receipt must be enclosed therewith.
In all cases it is necessary to fill in and to submit the entry form via internet.

===For the purpose of the photo screening, the longest side of the selected pictures will not exceed 30 cm in case of photo-prints, and measure 10 x 15 cm in case of electronic files (jpeg format, 300 dpi of resolution). The name of the author, the title and the year the photo was taken must b

e indicated on the back of the pictures. The works must have never been published or previously entered other contests. Photographs that do not comply with the above will not be examined.

Official web site:

photo contests


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