“Before and After” Photo Contest
Here’s your chance to show us your worst photographs ever… revamped! Prove to us that you can edit or re-shoot your favorite bad photo to become a first-class winner! This is a brand new contest from, so don’t be shy to crop, re-shoot, and focus your images. Let us know what you did to improve your picture and what went wrong on the original shoot for a chance to win a new camera.
- Each photographer may submit up to 2 sets of before and after images between Wednesday June 18 and Monday July 14, 2008.
- Both Photos (Before & After) must be sent in the same email.
- Send Pictures in an email to [email protected], jpeg format, with the subject line “Photo Makeover”
- Please include:
Name, Address, Phone Number, Email Address, as well as a few sentences on what you did to make the bad photo good. (ex: Use of Photoshop, Re-shoot, change exposure setting, etc.) - The winner will be announced on or around July 28, 2008
- The winner will receive an Olympus Fe-250
The name of the winner will appear on on, or around July 28, 2008. The winner’s name will also be available upon request after July 28, 2008.
Official web site: