Proud to be an American Photo Contest
Capture and share an image that represents what patriotism means to you…A current photo of a loved one in their military uniform, show how you celebrate a patriotic holiday, like a 4th of July cookout, a family get-together, a flag or fireworks display or even a patriotic landscape.
We, at Church Hill Classics and, want to know what makes you proud to stand tall and wave the red, white & blue. How do you celebrate life, liberty and freedom here in the United States of America? Share your photo and tell us why you’re proud to be an American. Your entry will give you a chance to win U.S. Savings Bonds and one of our custom, made in the U.S.A. frames. We’re proud to be an American manufacturer, growing jobs and opportunities here in America.
- 1st Place Prize: $300 in U.S. Savings Bonds and a Church Hill Classics’ frame for a photo up to 11” x 14”
- 2nd Place Prize: $150 in U.S. Savings Bonds and a Church Hill Classics’ frame for a photo up to 8” x 10”
CHC Contest Rules & Guidelines
1. Entries must include entry form with your full name, phone number, address, e-mail address, brief description of your photo, and how you found out about the contest.
2. Entries image should be:
a. No larger than 3 MB
b. Property of the entrant
3. Submissions will be accepted from June 15th to July 31st 2008.
4. The winners will be chosen by Church Hill Classics and posted on our site.
5. The contest is open to anyone 18-years and older.
Check the official web site and rules.