
Edgy – Pushing the Limits of Photographic Art

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logo2.jpgPhotography has the ability to explore, exploit and explode visual art as no other media. Edgy – Pushing the Limits of Photographic Art seeks images that are on the leading edge of making a statement, conceptual design, being provocative – images that will stop the viewer in their tracks!

The Center for Fine Art Photography invites photographers working in all mediums, to participate in this exhibition.

With selection for this exhibition, artists and their work will be seen by an international audience of collectors, curators, art consultants and others who appreciate the fine art of photography.

  • Feature presentation in CameraArts magazine Artists’s ShowCase
  • Juror’s Selection award: $300
  • Director’s Selection award: $200
  • Gallery Visitor’s Choice Award: $100
  • Two Artists’ ShowCase Online subscriptions – the Center’s new online image marketing website
  • All exhibitors are included in the Center’s online gallery
  • Inclusion in the Center’s 2008 Exhibition Collection CD which is distributed to selected galleries, collectors, design houses and corporations world wide

Submitting Entries for Jurying
Entries are submitted via the Center’s on-line system. Click on Call for Entries on the homepage to begin the process.

Note: images accepted by The Center for Fine Art Photography for exhibition in the previous 12 months re NOT eligible. Images previously submitted but not accepted for exhibition may be resubmitted as often as you wish.

Official web site where you can submit:

Download the Rules and Terms (and image requirements) in a PDF file.

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