Macro Photography – The world up close and personal
The Center for Fine Art Photography invites photographers working in all mediums, to
participate in this exhibition. The exhibition is open to all domestic and international, professional and amateur, photographers working with digital or traditional photography or combinations of both.
Definition: macro photography is capturing images on film or digitally at actual size or larger.
All exhibitions award opportunities for artists to present their work to an international audience of collectors, curators, art consultants and others who appreciate the fine art of photography.
- Portfolio presentation in CameraArts magazine Artists’s ShowCase
- Juror’s Selection award: $300
- Director’s Selection award: $200
- Gallery Visitor’s Choice Award: $100
- Two Artists’ ShowCase Online subscriptions – the Center’s new online image marketing website
- All exhibitors are included in the Center’s online gallery
- Inclusion in the Center’s 2008 Exhibition Collection CD which is distributed to selected galleries, collectors, design houses and corporations world wide
Preparing Images to Upload Online: Please follow these requirements when preparing your images for submission:
- Your images are viewed as RGB images using Adobe RGB 98 or SRGB profile. NOTE: CMYK files will not upload.
- The largest image dimension (width / height) should be 800 pixels with the other dimension proportional. Note, this is a
larger dimension than in earlier submissions. - Save your images with a resolution 72 ppi as flattened, 8 bit JPEG files (16 bit files will not upload.)
- Use JPG compression quality of 9. This compression level will not affect the quality of images viewed on a monitor.
- The image title can not be greater than 40 characters.
- File names can not include any of the following characters or have more than 25 characters. Please do not include
#,$,&, periods or other similar characters as part of the file name. - There can only be a single period – just prior to the file format extension: .jpg
All work should be for sale. Artists will state the retail sale price of their works. The Center encourages sales during the xhibition and retains a 40% commission on all work sold. The Center encourages a minimum sale price of $225 in order to over the artists’ cost for printing, framing, shipping, commission, etc.
You do not have to be a member to submit images for exhibition consideration. The profile you create when establishing your account provides the information necessary to upload and track your images.
Official web site:
Submit your entry and download the terms and rules in MS Wordformat