Reflections of Nature 2007
Selected photographs will be featured on the Canadian Wildlife Federation’s website and/or other CWF publications. Monthly winners will receive a signed print by Canadian artist Robert Bateman and runners-up will receive a CWF prize pack. A grand prize (to be determined) will be awarded early 2008.
We Would Like:
Old or new photos that depict:
Habitats and Landscapes — This includes protected areas in Canada such as National Parks, but can also include a place special to you; a park, your backyard, a nearby trail, forest, or aquatic environment —Canadian content only.
Native Plants and Flowers — This includes any and all flora, wildflowers, gardens, trees, shrubs and general nature photos. Species native to Canada please.
ButterflyCanadian Wildlife — Striking images of wild creatures that can be found on land or in water. Don’t forget about all the beautiful insects and of course our feathered friends—native Canadian species only please. No pets, no captive animals (i.e. in zoos or on game farms). How to Enter:
Photos should be accompanied by a short written submission. Send us your best photo, accompanied by a 50-word description of what inspired the moment or what the photo means to you, along with what exactly the photo is, and when and where the photo was taken. Please identify plant and animal species wherever possible.
Participants may enter by submitting printed photographs by mail or digital images by e-mail.
* Printed photos must be “8 x 10” in size.
* Digital images must be submitted as low-resolution jpegs (72 to 96 dpi) with a minimum physical size of 720 x 576 pixels and a maximum file size of 120 KB. High-resolution tiff or bitmap files (300 dpi) that are approximately 3000 x 2400 pixels in physical size and 3 MB in file size must be available on request to support all low-resolution jpeg entries.
Send photos by e-mail to: [email protected]
More details are here