2008 Cohasset Colonials Photography Competition
The purpose is to illustrate the best aspects of Colonial design and American architecture. Also, to demonstrate the successful use of Cohasset Colonial® furniture and accessories in everyday life. We would like to feature fine historic homes like yours on the cover of the Cohasset Colonials® catalog.Entrants whose photographs are selected to appear on the cover of the Cohasset Colonial® catalog will receive a $100.00 Cohasset Colonials® Gift Certificate. Your photograph will appear on the cover of a Cohasset Colonials® catalog, with credit and a brief biography on the back cover.
* The photography competition is open to all photographers, amateur or professional.
* Mail entries to:
Cohasset Colonials
c/o 2008 Cohasset Colonials Photography Competition
P.O. Box 548
Ashburnham, MA 01430-0548
* Email entries in .JPG or .TIF format to:
[email protected]
* You may send in as many entries as you like.
* Entries must be color images. Slides, prints, or digital images are all acceptable. Portrait orientation is preferred, but not required (Photographs with landscape orientation will most likely be cropped when used on the catalog cover).
* Please include your name, address, and a short description of each photograph.
* If you would like your photograph(s) returned, please include a SASE.
* No purchase is necessary to enter this competition.
The contest web site