Photo of the Year 2007
This contest is aimed at hobby photographers and outdoor enthusiasts. Photographs must have been taken by amateur photographers and cannot have been previously used for any promotional or commercial purposes.
Step 1: Photo submissions take place from October 15th through December 31, 2007.
Step 2: Submitted photos will be reviewed by 5 esteemed judges on January 5th.
Step 3: Photos that make the cut will be posted for online voting between January 6th through the 13th (only ONE week of voting this year).
Step 4: Photo of the Year 2007 will be chosen and revealed at the party on January 19th!
2007 Photo Categories
We mix these up a bit each year. One new addition for POTY 2007 is Water. As usual, the winner of the Top 100 category will be crowned Photo of the Year 2007.
Top 100: Dramatic vistas, stunning flora and fauna, an artful picture of a door…you name it. Top 100 photos can be of just about anything (anything fit for family consumption, that is). As the name implies, 100 photos will compete against each other for the honored title of Photo of the Year 2007.
Water: This one is new for POTY 2007. Water is all around us. It flows. It freezes. It quenches. Shower us in your best and favorite shots of H2O.
Adrenaline: Sponsored by UberplexMax Energy Drink! Just kidding. We made that up. For real, this year we’re looking for your best photos that speak the word “adrenaline.” What makes your adrenaline flow? Be creative.
Faces: Who can forget Goat Boy from POTY 2005? Let’s see your best up close and personal photos. Good luck beating Goat Boy’s cuteness, though.
Youth: Any under 18ers out there with a strong attachment to your digital camera? This category is for you. Use that youthful imagination and make your mom proud. TEACHERS, say it with us, “Hmm…Photo of the Year…what a great addition to my curriculum…I should email the folks at POTY about submitting photos as a class!”
Submit Photos