
Blu-Sky Artist Award

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Blu-Sky Artist Award

Open theme.


  • Best in Show – $500 Cash Prize

Online submission of digital images via the website.

Image requiements: JPG format.


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The straight lines convey several moods, and each viewer has different opinions while viewing them. Be it vertical lines or horizontal, both portray a diverse choice of interest. For example, you put a line in the middle of the picture, it will divide them in half, and now each part will have a different story. It leaves a dramatic impact on the viewer, just like a tree divided into two halves vertically. Especially for a classic background, straight lines are a perfect choice. Once you start looking at them, there is no way you can escape. It is like a composition building in a viewer's mind. So be sure to compose correctly during a shot because editing cannot fix them in a natural way they are.