Film Photo Award 2024
Each award period provides three distinct grants of professional photographic film and complimentary film processing by Griffin Editions to photographers who demonstrate a serious commitment to the field and are motivated to continue the development of still, film-based photography in the 21st century.
During each spring and fall award period, three Film Photo Awards will be granted in the following categories:
– 2 Visionary Project Awards
– 1 Student Project Award
Each Film Photo Award includes:
-100 rolls or 200 sheets of black & white film OR 75 rolls or 150 sheets of color film
-Film processing for awarded film with Griffin Editions
-An exclusive feature of your work published in Lenscratch
-Interview published on the Film Photo Award website and social media
*In addition, the Student Project Award includes a 4×5 view camera by Standard Cameras
May 2024 – Awards Announced
Online submission of digital images via the website.
Image requirements: 1-15 JPEG files sized at 1500 pixels on the longest dimension and saved at 72 ppi.