
EPEX Photography Trophy 2023

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EPEX Photography Trophy 2023

Be part of Competa Photo Days, win a solo exhibition, be invited to the opening ceremony


  • Free theme
  • Black White
  • Environment and nature
  • Portrait

Submit 4 or up to 16 images. Online submission of digital images via the website.

Image requirements:
JPEG files in RGB

File size: max. 10 MB per image

Image resolution: 300 ppi

Short page with at least 2400 pixels, long page max. 6000 pixels


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Generally speaking, natural daylight is the most attractive light source for portrait photography – especially if you don’t have dedicated studio lighting. Portrait photography natural light A slightly overcast day provides a lovely soft light that will be flattering on your subject. Direct sunlight isn’t usually desirable because it creates strong, hard shadows on the subject’s face. In such conditions it’s best to find some light shade to position your subject. Alternatively, embrace the opportunity and shoot (carefully) into the sun, with your subject’s back to the sun. This is called backlighting and can result in a golden glow around your subject. Keep in mind that shooting into the sun does require you to provide some “fill” light to illuminate the shadows on your subject’s face.