
Still Life Online Art Contest

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Still Life Online Art Contest

As part of this competition, artists must incorporate either natural objects, such as foods, flowers, plants, rocks, shells, or man-made objects, such as books, vases, jewelry, coins, pipes, etc.

All wining artists (Merit Award & Honorable Mention) will receive a digital award certificate.

You may submit 2 images per entry fee. Online submission of digital images via the website.

Image requirements: up to 2.0 MB in file sze; JPG format

Judging criteria:

– originality and quality of art

– demonstration of artistic ability

– interpretation of the theme

– creativity

– overall design

– usage of medium


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What lens you pick will determine the look and feel of your portrait. Long lenses (for example 70-200mm view) are great for portraiture as they compress facial features for a flattering result. They can also blur the background more further isolating the subject. Wide angle lenses are traditionally not used for portraiture, however they still have their uses. If you want to shoot environmental portraits then a wide angle lens might be better. Placing people in their environment surrounded by their possessions or hobby reveals so much about them. If using using a wide angle lens around 15-35mm then make sure your subject is comfortably in the middle of the frame and not close up on the face as it may distort their features.