SE Center Contest “Portfolio”
Theme: Portfolio
For the SE Center’s first Portfolio Call the jurors are looking for innovative bodies of work with themes or topics carried throughout. The portfolio should be a fully resolved, consistent body of work with each of the images being individually strong. The technical and presentation choices made should be appropriate for the work and should take an innovative or unique approach to the subject matter.
- 35-40 Selected images will hang in the SE Center’s main gallery space for approximately one month with the opportunity to be invited for a solo show at a later date.
Juror: Dennis Kiel
Image requirements: 1200 pixels @72 dpi on the longest side, Images should be in JPEG format, sRGB color space.
Online submission of digital photographs via the website.
Your Submission must include a minimum of 7 images and a maximum of 10 from one body of work (Portfolios may include more than 10 images but please only submit up to 10 images). Each Portfolio must include a statement of up to 2000 characters.
Diffusion scatters light, essentially making the light source broader and therefore softer. When clouds drift in front of the sun, shadows get less distinct. Add fog, and the shadows disappear. Clouds, overcast skies, and fog act as diffusion—something that scatters the light in many directions. On overcast or foggy days, the entire sky, in effect, becomes a single very broad light source—nature’s softbox. Tip: Materials such as translucent plastic or white fabric can be used to diffuse a harsh light source. You can place a diffuser in front of an artiflcial light, such as a strobe. Or, if you’re in bright sun, use a light tent or white scrim to soften the light falling on your subject.